I’m a lawyer who discovered THE Cyber, quite early on, through philosophy (by reading ‘qu’est-ce que le virtuel?’ by Pierre Levy in 1996).
I first encountered Cyber (security) in 2006 when a ransomware attack was carried out on my personal laptop. 🙂
Still at Allianz, after working as a liability claims adjuster, inspector, product manager and project manager, I was asked to develop Cyber insurance in 2017 and, curiously, I accepted.
Cyber is a composite of sophisticated fiction and hard facts, whose scope and content are constantly changing.
A single event can lead us to significantly revise our knowledge, our assessments and our systems (last year, the CrowdStrike bug).
It’s particularly stimulating, but also tiring at times…
“L’amour et la violence” – Sébastien Tellier.
Sébastien appeared at the same time as French Tech V1, that of Silicon Sentier. He has lasted and become the icon of the French Touch as seen from abroad.
In each of his tracks, you can recognise both the techno side and the French feel, even when he sings in English.
‘Dis-moi ce que tu penses ?
de ma vie, de mon adolescence,
Dis-moi ce que tu penses ?
j’aime aussi l’amour et la violence’
From teens (or young adults) looking for friends and love on the Internet to budding pirates, depending on the circumstances of their lives…
If tomorrow, having exhausted all their biological resources, Humans are reduced to computer programs, their only risks will be Cyber 🙂
The Head of Cyber Insurance is a senior executive role responsible for overseeing and managing an organization’s cyber insurance division or department. This position typically involves:
The Head of Cyber Insurance plays a crucial role in helping businesses mitigate financial losses associated with cyber incidents such as data breaches, ransomware attacks, and business interruptions caused by cyber events
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